We hit another baby’s first this weekend with the opening of Pretty Perfect Lives, and I must say it was definitely an event. I’m slowly realizing more and more how much I love my work which is so wonderful, but I really do hate how I have to get there. As a whole most of the people I know in the industry have gotten where they are based on who they know. That is all fine and dandy because you can always meet good people and when you work well, people will remember you. However, finding the next job does come with the requirement of networking. The whole concept of putting on a face and finding things to talk about with new people is part of the reason I transferred from acting to tech. I wanted the bubble where I can just work and have that be enough. The party was fun but I was glued to the wall the whole time. I struggled with meeting anyone new, but I’ve decided that that’s okay. It was my first event like this and that makes it a trial. It was step one where I put my toes in the water, and next time I’ll know what to expect and can do better. This whole thing is a learning process.